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Astellecia's avatar

FFX: Where the Dream Ends



It would be so easy, to let my fate just carry me away
.....following this same path my whole life through.
But I know, I can't. What I do, I do...with no regrets.

:iconastellecia: as Yuna
:iconpumpkinwin: as Lulu

Photo by :iconblurmage:

Photographer :iconpryde4114:
Helper Louise

Staff made by :iconpryde4114: who also helped with obi painting~
Accessories made by :iconfabrefaction:
Skirt base made by my tailor auntie
Everything else made by me~
Thank you :iconmelriza: for being my wig head so I could style my wig.

This costume is for sale~ Note me/comment for more details ~ If I ever cos yuna again, i'm going to make everything from scratch MEH

I think I have just reached a whole new epic of win in photoshooting~ :iconpumpkinwin: and I decided that it would be brilliant idea to do down to the Great Ocean Road to shoot our FFX except that when we planned it, we kinda forgot that August was the middle of winter in Australia and that 5 degrees + epic winds coming in from the direction of the South pole does not make for good shooting conditions. The last time I was this cold was back shooting Euphemia in the middle of winter in UK and even back then there was no epic wind to contend with. Adding on freezing cold water + painful sharp rocks that we had to crawl/climb/slide over, it was possibly the most uncomfortable shoot I've ever had OTL. Tt was a really cloudy morning so my beautiful sunset was ruined, but luckily we managed to get some pretty good shots :D (read as :shots I would never have been able to get in singapore) The road trip was much fun and we got lost many many times on the road (GPS YOU SUCK, I AM A SUPPORTER OF GOOGLE MAPS NOW!!) I can't wait for more road trip shoots next year :D

Special thanks to photogs and helpers who had to brave the shitty Great Ocean Road conditions with us~

This is Our Story
Image size
900x600px 279.51 KB
Shutter Speed
1/20 second
Focal Length
35 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Aug 14, 2010, 5:11:53 AM
© 2010 - 2024 Astellecia
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SilverRoseJoker's avatar
Ahhh this is so pretty!! It looks like this picture was shot at just the right moment, I really like the lighting and you make a wonderful Yuna ^___^